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Glatt Engineering @ Future Factories Roadshow 2025

The presentation on 'Modular Plant Concepts for API & Pharma Dosage Forms Production Facilities' will be part of the Future Factories Roadshow 2025 in India. Dirk Steinhäuser, Glatt Process & Plant Engineering, will give an overview with reference to project examples: systematic design approach for future production facilities, design principles for innovative GMP facilities and more ...

Glatt Automation. ISPE 2024

Glatt Process & Plant Engineering expertise in the fields of automation, robotics and system integration. Meet us at booth no. 20! Our process automation experts Anton Kopitzsch and Thomas Geier from Glatt Process & Plant Engineering Pharma+Biotech will explain how Glatt has already implemented store floor automation projects and solutions and what tools are available for setting up or optimizing modern pharmaceutical productions.

Structured planning and construction of biotech plants. BioEconomy Cluster 2024

Our Glatt biotechnology expert Dirk Steinhäuser will present the methodical approach of the Glatt Process & Plant Engineering division in the biotech segment as part of his lecture "Structured planning and construction of biotech plants - with an insight into project examples in Germany and internationally" and will use the examples to outline the expertise and the targeted interaction of process development, design basis, project phases, implementation, cost and scheduling aspects.
Glatt specialist article on 'Cleanroom Design (Part II). What to look out for in doors, glazing, walls and fixtures', originally published on, Vogel Communications Group, June 2024Copyright: Vogel Communications Group

Cleanroom design. Doors, glazing, walls, fixtures

The requirements for a cleanroom are clearly defined in accordance with current GMP regulations and other specifications. When it comes to implementation, the customer's specifications, the choice of systems and the details of the design are crucial. Ronny Töpfer, project engineer at Glatt Ingenieurtechnik in Weimar, explains what is important when it comes to walls and the associated components.

What does containment mean?

Pharma containment, OEB, OEL and SMEPAC. Containment - the protection of active substances from the operator and vice versa - is becoming increasingly relevant in both the pharmaceutical and chemical industries. When processing reactive or toxic substances, the aim of containment is to prevent them from escaping and thus protect personnel and the environment from contamination. In addition to the safety of personnel, the cost-effectiveness of the process also plays a role. If an expensive substance is involved, the loss of a few grams of active ingredient can also mean the loss of a three- to four-digit euro amount.

Modular ATMP Production. ACHEMA 2024

Design & Implementation of a new flexible (modular) ATMP production facility. Lecture by Dirk Steinhauser, Glatt Ingenieurtechnik. The case study will provide an overview on the project development from initiation phase, via Concept Design and all Engineering phases, fast-track modular building construction, implementation of HVAC, cleanrooms, biotech equipment for upstream and downstream processing, media and buffer systems and further necessary periphery. Specific requirements for a multi-purpose vaccine production facility will be outlined.

Modularisation of chemical API synthesis. ACHEMA 2024

Modularisation of chemical API synthesis. Lecture by Petra Rehak, Glatt Ingenieurtechnik. The presentation will discuss key aspects including basic requirements, critical parameters, flexibility, conventional vs. single-use disposable systems, high active / containment topics, as well as schedule and cost aspects by considering different project examples in Europe, Asia and further geographies, with its different specific and local requirements. The use of the method will be followed along the engineering phases.

Glatt Engineering with Robotics at ACHEMA 2024

ACHEMA 2024, Hall 3.0, Stand H4: Welcome to the Pharma OSD Future Factory. Glatt demonstrates seamless containment and fully digitalised, automated pharmaceutical production to be realised with an integrated concept. Glatt experts will show their expertise in the integration of hardware and software functions into advanced, holistic automation systems, ranging from MES and DCS/SCADA to robot and AGV systems.

Glatt presentation on MODULAR PLANNING at Lounges 2024

This Glatt's presentation on 'Modularization of Pharma chemical API synthesis facilities' will take place as part of the Lounges 2024 lecture program. Save the Date: Lounges 2024 in Karlsruhe, Germany. Lecture by Dirk Steinhäuser, 24.04.2024 - 09:30pm | Room 7. The presentation will give an overview on a fast and flexible design approach by Glatt Process & Plant Engineering for both chemical API and biotech API projects. The modular approach for both process and facility will be outlined with the help of visual examples.
Glatt wins follow-up order for BioCampus MultiPilotCopyright: ZVH Straubing

Glatt wins follow-up order for BioCampus MultiPilot

Straubing/Germany, December 2023 – Weimar based Glatt Ingenieurtechnik GmbH will be responsible for the Detail engineering and delivery of integrated process technology for the multipurpose BioCampus MultiPilot (BMP) demonstration facility in the port of Straubing-Sand. The flexible platform, to be used to scale-up and commercialise innovative biotech processes and sustainable products, will enable start-ups, research groups and industrial companies to further develop, test scale up and optimise their biotechnological processes to pre-industrial scale, validate their economic viability and produce material samples.
Glatt article on ''The design and modularisation of API synthesis plants'', originally published in the magazine ‘Manufacturing CHEMIST’, issue 12/2023, HPCi Media LimitedCopyright: HPCi Media Limited

The design and modularisation of API synthesis plants

The pharmaceutical industry is constantly developing new and more efficient active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). To make these available to patients, new production facilities or the expansion of existing ones are often necessary, explains Dirk Steinhäuser from Glatt Process & Plant Engineering
Copyright: Stephan Kurz, Bayer AG

ISPE RAYA 2023 Award. SOLIDA 1-Bayer-Leverkusen-Germany

Cooperation of Bayer, Glatt, Hof and Stäubli: Robot application to achieve a full automation of typically manual supported pharmaceutical production processes by combining common process equipment with robot arms. Increasing efficiency by decoupling of automated pharmaceutical production processes from manual operations. Replacing of ergonomic inconvenient and difficult manual operations by reliable automated operations. Suitability to handle OEB 5 products. Increasing human protection by avoiding contact between operators and product with high potent API resulting from a potential malfunction.
''Exploring new ways to produce cosmetic pigments.'', an interview with Merck and Glatt about the cooperation and the project. Originally published in the magazine Euro Cosmetics, issue 9-10/2023, Inter-Euro Medien GmbHCopyright: Inter-Euro Medien

Exploring new ways to produce cosmetic pigments – Interview with Merck and Glatt about the cooperation and the project

Using completely new technology, pigment specialists at Merck and Glatt Ingenieurtechnik’s technology and production experts have worked closely together to produce an innovative range of cosmetic pigments. The Darmstadt-based Merck Group placed an order for the development and construction of a plant based on chemical vapour deposition (CVD) after successful joint trials at Glatt’s location in Weimar. We interview the partner companies about the cooperation and the project.
Dr. Reinhard Böber, 2023Jens Lehnert, Funkemedien

Managing Director Reinhard Böber leaves Glatt Ingenieurtechnik GmbH to retire

Dr Reinhard Böber is leaving the management of Glatt Ingenieurtechnik GmbH on 1 September to begin his well-earned retirement. He co-founded the company 32 years ago with the "Continuous Fluidised Bed" research group of the Magdeburg Heavy Engineering Combine (SKET) in Weimar and was largely responsible for the company's development. Dr Böber's farewell ceremony was attended by shareholders, executives and partners of the Glatt Group, as well as numerous representatives from Thuringia's business community, society and politics.
Ceremonial inauguration of the Merck CVD plant at the Glatt Technology Center in Weimar on June 30, 2023Copyright: Jens Lehnert

Glatt joins forces with Merck for cosmetic pigment production – Festive inauguration of the Dryflux facility

On 30 June 2023, a completely new type of production plant for special effect pigments was officially commissioned at the Glatt Technology Centre. The Darmstadt-based Merck Group placed the order for the development and construction of a plant based on chemical vapour deposition (CVD). The Dryflux technology is suitable for numerous powder applications.
Glatt Ingenieurtechnik honored as a "Hidden Champion" made in Thuringia by the State Development Corporation of Thuringia (LEG)Copyright: LEG Thüringen

Glatt Ingenieurtechnik honored as a “Hidden Champion” made in Thuringia

The State Development Corporation of Thuringia (LEG) launched its new marketing campaign “Hidden Champions – Thuringia’s world market and technology leaders” with a kick-off event on 3 March 2023. They didn’t have to look far to identify 89 companies that are at the forefront of the market in their industry. Among them is Glatt in its capacity as a leading specialist for plant engineering and processes in fluid bed and spouted bed technology as well as the patented powder synthesis.
Glatt advertorial on the topic ''With short time-to-market from process development directly to contract manufacturing", originally published in the Pharma+Food-Kompendium 'Produzieren im Kundenauftrag', Edition 2023, Hüthig GmbH, Glatt reprintCopyright: Glatt

With short time-to-market from process development directly to contract manufacturing

The Glatt Group's customers benefit from bundled expertise in particle design - from the initial feasibility trial, through scale-up, to validation of the production process. Glatt offers suitable solutions for every variant and, if required, also implements customer-specific processes. In this way, new products move more quickly from the development phase to market maturity. (German article)
Glatt article on ''Drying liquids - Selecting the best technology for nutraceuticals'', published in the magazine 'Nutraceutical Business Review', issue 05/2022, HPCi Media LimitedCopyright: HPCi Media Limited

Drying liquids – Selecting the best technology for nutraceuticals

Both spray drying and fluid bed spray granulation can be used to convert liquid products into bulk materials. The most effective process will often be dictated by the desired properties of the final particles and the specific application. Glatt Ingenieurtechnik has a thorough understanding of both techniques and has a long history of designing fluid bed systems that are tailored to individual customer products.
13.01.2023 Weimar: Company visit of Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow at Glatt Ingenieurtechnik GmbH in WeimarCopyright: Thomas Müller

Bodo Ramelow, Minister President of the Free State of Thuringia, visits Glatt Ingenieurtechnik

On January 13, 2023, the Prime Minister of Thuringia, Bodo Ramelow, visited us in Weimar's Nordstraße. During the tour of the site, the Minister President was given an impressive insight into our plant technology and the range of services we offer. During a tour of the company buildings, he personally informed himself with some employees about their work tasks in projects. He then paid tribute to our technological expertise and our broad positioning in many industrial sectors, which is certainly unparalleled in Thuringia.
Press release on ""Glatt and IE Group commissioned to plan the world’s first integrated precision and mycelium fermentation protein plant."Copyright: Glatt

Glatt and IE Group commissioned to plan the world’s first integrated precision and mycelium fermentation protein plant

Planetary's production facility is designed to be a first of its kind multi-product microbial fermentation facility, able to produce precision fermented compounds, such as proteins and lipids, as well as biomass from mycelium on a commercial scale. Glatt Ingenieurtechnik will plan the process technology systems, including media supply, process control and automation, as well as the safety technology.
Glatt Ingenieurtechnik, company premises with technology center at the company's headquarters in Weimar, GermanyCopyright: Glatt

Glatt Ingenieurtechnik GmbH in Weimar puts 100 kWp photovoltaic sytsem into operation

The company Glatt Ingenieurtechnik GmbH invested a six-digit sum for the photovoltaic system and uses the generated energy completely as self-consumption and thus reduces the purchase of electrical energy from the public grid as well as the expected high electricity costs.

Glatt selected for Engineering Project for new GMP Biorefinery by NSTDA in Thailand

August 2022 – National Science and Technology Development Agency Thailand (NSTDA) is implementing the Government initiative Thailand 4.0 with regard to strategic biotechnology growth hub at Eastern Economic Corridor of Innovation (EECi) in Thailand. One part of the new BIOPOLIS complex is the GMP Biorefinery Pilot Plant at EECi, for which German engineering company Glatt Ingenieurtechnik was selected to provide the engineering services. The contract between NSTDA and Glatt comprises Conceptual and Basic Design phase for the GMP Biorefinery.
Copyright: Bayer AG

Topping-out ceremony for SOLIDA 1 at Bayer in Leverkusen, Germany

On May 13, 2022, Bayer AG celebrated the topping-out ceremony for a new pharmaceutical plant in Leverkusen in the presence of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Federal Minister of Health Professor Dr. Karl Lauterbach and other guests from politics and business. The new Solida 1 production plant will be one of the most modern pharmaceutical production facilities in the world. Glatt acts as system integrator for this world's first learning pharmaceutical production.
Glatt Ingenieurtechnik, the plant manufacturer, process expert and engineering provider, is opening a branch in Cologne, GermanyCopyright: Glatt

Glatt expands engineering capacity in Cologne, Germany

On 1 March 2022, Glatt Ingenieurtechnik GmbH opened a new branch in Cologne. The new unit will showcase the company’s pharmaceutical, biotechnology and active ingredient plant expertise and represents Glatt’s first location in North Rhine-Westphalia. The decision to expand was based on a positive market outlook in the field of pharmaceutical engineering and excellent capacity utilization.
Glatt wins follow-up order for BioCampus MultiPilotCopyright: ZVH Straubing

Glatt commissioned to plan new BioCampus

Weimar, Germany, March 2022: Glatt Ingenieurtechnik GmbH (Weimar, Germany) will be responsible for the Basic Engineering of the process technology for the multipurpose BioCampus MultiPilot (BMP) plant on behalf of BioCampus Straubing GmbH. Here, at the Straubing-Sand port, customers will be able to develop, test, optimize and scale-up industrial biotechnology processes, validate their economic viability and manufacture samples.

Glatt to inaugurate vaccine production in Ghana

February 2022 – Glatt to inaugurate vaccine production in Ghana with fill & finish plant. The facility will serve as a blueprint to establish local vaccine production and is part of the government's Vaccine Development and Manufacturing Presidential Committee (VMC) strategy. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) has commissioned Glatt Ingenieurtechnik for phase 1 of the project.
Glatt article on ''Cleanroon Design (Part I) – It's all in the Details. Planning cleanrooms, but doing it right", originally published at, Vogel Communications Group, February 2022Copyright: Vogel Communications Group

Avoiding mistakes in cleanroom construction

How to clarify project details and safeguard supplier relationships in advance. It’s hard to imagine a pharmaceutical industry without cleanrooms, which have to meet increasingly stringent requirements. From the very beginning of a project, companies should involve an experienced planner to build or redesign a cleanroom. Coordinated communication between the various suppliers then ensures both efficient implementation and regulatory compliance.

Maintenance-free cleanroom washing area

Plant manufacturer and process expert, Glatt Ingenieurtechnik, from Weimar, Germany, has developed a seamless cleanroom washing area that has already successfully passed practical tests at both the company’s own technology center and customer sites. New innovative wash station can easily be integrated into cleanrooms and, thanks to its seamless design, is durable and particularly easy to clean.
Glatt advertorial on the topic ''Outsourcing - Trust in competent partners'', published in the Pharma+Food compendium 'Producing on behalf of customers' (Produzieren im Kundenauftrag), Edition 2022, Hüthig GmbHCopyright: Hüthig GmbH

Outsourcing of the production – Trust in competent partners

How the Glatt Group implements contract manufacturing with expertise and innovative solutions. There are many reasons for outsourcing production - minimizing one's own risks or a lack of expertise in alternative technologies are just two of them. But what to look for when looking for a contract manufacturing partner?
Glatt article on ''A spirit of optimism between batch and continuous production'', published in the magazine ChemieXtra, issue 07-08/2021, SIGWERB GmbHCopyright: SIGWERB GmbH

A spirit of optimism between batch and continuous production

The concept of continuous production is captivating. No longer batch by batch - instead, for example, a liquid product can simply be tapped at any time. It is therefore surprising that "continuous manufacturing" did not already triumphantly conquer chemical and pharmaceutical production five or ten years ago. In the meantime, however, there are a whole series of forward-looking examples.
Glatt article on 'Implementing containment requirements in solids manufacturing', originally published in the magazine ‘Pharma+Food’, issue November/2021, Hüthig GmbH 2022Copyright: Hüthig GmbH

Implementing containment requirements in solids manufacturing

Containment should be considered in pharmaceutical industry projects from the very beginning. As little as possible, as much as necessary" - When highly active ingredients are processed into tablets or capsules, the question immediately arises as to which strategy is best to avoid cross-contamination or risks to personnel. With individualized solutions and coordinated process chains, the member companies of Excellence United have set themselves the goal of achieving containment economically.
Glatt technical article on 'How to Tame Recalcitrant Ingredients with Technological Processes'Copyright: HPCi Media Limited

How to Tame Recalcitrant Ingredients with Technological Processes

Plant-based functional ingredients behave differently than manufacturers of nutraceuticals and cosmetic products would like. Innovative processes such as double microencapsulation can help them to overcome bioavailability and solubility challenges.
Fluid bed systems in the Glatt Technologiezentrum in Weimar, GermanyCopyright: Glatt

New fluid bed options for solvent-based processes and products requiring Kosher and Halal conditions

Glatt has expanded its range of services and capacities at the company’s Technology Centre in Weimar for trials and sample development. A new fluid bed granulator and coater for innovative solvent-based processes has recently become available. In addition to the capacity expansion, the existing plant can also now accommodate continuous spray granulation processes.
Glatt Ingenieurtechnik honored as an outstanding company with the East German Business Forum Award_2021-06-14

Glatt Ingenieurtechnik honored as an outstanding company with the East German Business Forum Award

On June 14, 2021, the VORSPRUNG business award was presented for the second time. This year, the business prize 'VORSPRUNG' went to the Weimar company Glatt Ingenieurtechnik GmbH, along with 4 other prize winners from other federal states. The Thuringian Minister of Economics, Wolfgang Tiefensee, acted as laudator for the prize winner.
30-Years-Glatt-Ingenieurtechnik_2021Copyright: Glatt

Glatt Ingenieurtechnik celebrates continued business success with third expansion of its Technology Center

New services, capacities, employees: plant engineering expert Glatt Ingenieurtechnik marks its 30th anniversary with an investment in the future of its headquarters From vitamins in animal feed and enzymes in detergents to powder materials for high-performance batteries, Glatt, the Germany-based plant manufacturer and process expert, is working on all of these in close cooperation with renowned research companies. In spring 2021, Glatt will expand its technology center in Weimar for the third time in twelve years.
Glatt Ingenieurtechnik GmbH gehört zu den 150 innovativsten Unternehmen Ostdeutschlands

Glatt Ingenieurtechnik GmbH is one of the 150 most innovative companies in Eastern Germany

In its current issue, the eastern German business magazine WIRTSCHAFT+MARKT presents 150 of the most innovative eastern German companies from seven sectors. These include mechanical engineering, the mobility sector, the IT and digital economy, energy and environmental technology, the healthcare industry, the chemical and plastics industry, and the food and agricultural industry.

Modularisation of chemical API synthesis

Increased efficiency in the planning of API production systems through modularization and function typicals. The modularisation of chemical synthesis pathways in pharmaceutical production can improve overall plant efficiency and reduce planning time. Glatt Ingenieurtechnik has optimised the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) synthesis process and developed bespoke plant designs for several international customers.
Preview image of Glatt technical article on the topic ''Regulation and control systems for fluid bed spray agglomeration'', published in the trade magazine 'P&A Prozessdigitalisierung Automation', issue 10/2018, publish-industry Verlag GmbCopyright: publish-industry Verlag GmbH

Regulation and control systems for fluid bed spray agglomeration

Fully automated processes require reliable process data. These are determined with methods of statistical experimental design and the application of artificial neural networks. The presented case study has shown the potential as well as the general feasibility of a model-based control of a fluidized bed spray agglomeration process. In addition to the actual control task, the systematic approach allows a deeper insight into details of concrete industrial granulation processes. (article in German language)
Glatt Re-Print of the article on ''From core to shell_Modular planning_Pharmaceutical production'', originally published in German language in the magazine ‘PharmaTEC’, issue 03/2018, Vogel Communications GroupCopyright: Glatt

Modular planning for flexibility in pharmaceutical production

From core to shell: How modular planning brings flexibility to pharmaceutical production. The principle of modular pharmaceutical production facilities requires a process-oriented, far-sighted approach right from the early planning phase. The experts from Glatt's Process & Plant Engineering division know why this is essential for flexible pharmaceutical solids production.
Glatt article on 'How to move biopharmaceuticals productions smoothly and quickly into Asian markets', originally published in the magazine ‘PROCESS worldwide’, issue 01/2018, Vogel Communications GroupCopyright: Vogel Communications Group

Moving the production of biopharmaceuticals to Asia

June 2016 - Technology transfer in biotechnology. Biopharmaceutical companies operating successfully in Europe cannot simply relocate production to Asia. In addition to the actual manufacturing process, the microbiological organism, the patent and approval status as well as the compatibility with the dosage form of the drug and its status also play a decisive role. A field report from the perspective of an engineering and plant construction company.
Glatt article on ''XXL EFFECTIVENESS IN A SLIM-FIT SUIT – Containment solutions only cost-effective when adapted". English Re-Print of the german article, originally published in the magazine ‘Pharma+Food’, issue 03/2016, Hüthig GmbHCopyright: Glatt

Containment solutions only cost-effective when adapted

Containment comes at a price. Equipping plants completely for compliance with the highest containment level, OEB 5, is extremely expensive. Yet a crucial fact is often overlooked: the hazard level posed by an active ingredient to employees varies along its route through the plant. This insight can be exploited by adapting containment solutions to the respective requirements in each area.

Glatt Ingenieurtechnik continues to grow in Dresden

Glatt Ingenieurtechnik GmbH has doubled the number of employees in its Dresden branch in just one year. After a successful first year, the Dresden subsidiary of the engineering expert Glatt Ingenieurtechnik is planning further hires for 2017. From a technological point of view, Glatt Ingenieurtechnik operates supplier-base independently and always utilises the most appropriate equipment and machinery.

Strengthening of pharmaceutical engineering capacities

November 2015: Glatt Ingenieurtechnik GmbH opens a new pharmaceutical engineering branch in Dresden in January 2016. The Glatt Process & Plant Engineering division is thus strengthening its expertise in the fields of pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and active ingredient plants at the Glatt Group's existing site. Among others, a number of experienced pharmaceutical specialists from a major plant engineering company have been recruited for this purpose.
Glatt article on 'High Containment Processes in the Solid Drugs Production', originally published at, Vogel Communications Group, May 2013Copyright: Vogel Communications Group

High containment for solid drugs

Containment of a solid drugs production is incomplete where the production environment is neglected. Closed process equipment and the production environment need to be considered as an integral solution. There should however be a reasonable balance between protective effects and plant productivity. Glatt Process & Plant Engineering develops and provides integrated system solutions for high containment processes.