Modular Design
Your improvement on flexibility made by Glatt Process & Plant Engineering.
Your improvement on flexibility made by Glatt Process & Plant Engineering.
Are you planning to invest in a project for the production and processing of pharmaceutical OSD and/or liquid dosage forms, biotech products like biotechnological API and blood plasma products or chemical API synthesis?
Compared to a classic project approach, the advantages of a modular solution are obvious:
As with our classic planning approach, our modular planning also follows the principle: “Process first. Planning from the inside out”. We design efficient processes for your mono-product and multi-purpose production facility.
In general, a modular approach is possible for all planning considerations and in all project-relevant disciplines. This opportunity to apply the modular approach exists in all project phases, even in the concept phase of your project.
Modular considerations for your project usually start with the smallest functional units, through rooms and overall functional areas, overall functions, the entire building and site master plans including expansion options.
Modular planning hierarchy
Our modular approach allows efficient and flexible future redesign and expansion of your processes and the entire production process.
With Dedicated Train concepts like the Hybrid Train and Cluster Train, we will find a suitable train solution for your application.
You benefit from:
We implement modularity for you in the form of train concepts.
Production layout of an OSD production factory
The illustration shows different train concepts, which can be combined as required and – depending on the customer’s production program and capacity – can be implemented in an efficient and future-oriented production facility. These concepts can only be developed in close partnership with the customer.
Train 1: Dedicated train for mono or campaign production
Train 2: Hybrid train for multi-purpose production
Train 3: Customized product-specific design in the train concept, the focus is on a special process step in the train
Modular design approach for a production of chemical API: Using typical layouts, a quick estimate of the space requirements can be derived; in addition, possible spatial arrangements of the modules can be simulated
A layout with a deliberately decoupled building structure enables parallel flexibility in the different levels of use of new biotech and pharmaceutical factories: 1 = cleanroom, 2 = walkable cleanroom ceiling, 3 = air handling units and technical level
The pharmaceutical industry is constantly developing new and more efficient active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). To make these available to patients, new production facilities or the expansion of existing ones are often necessary, explains Dirk Steinhäuser from Glatt Process & Plant Engineering
The principle of modular pharmaceutical production facilities requires a process-oriented, far-sighted approach right from the early planning phase. The experts from Glatt’s Process & Plant Engineering division know why this is essential for flexible pharmaceutical solids production.
(Re-Print, translated with
The modularisation of chemical synthesis pathways in pharmaceutical production can improve overall plant efficiency and reduce planning time. Glatt Ingenieurtechnik has optimised the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) synthesis process and developed bespoke plant designs for several international customers.
Further information on this topic and related topics can also be found in the following publications:
December 2023: Glatt wins follow-up order for BioCampus MultiPilot in the port of Straubing-Sand
January 2022: Glatt’s maintenance-free washing areas are perfect for cleanrooms
August 2022: ‘Glatt selected for Engineering Project for new GMP Biorefinery by NSTDA in Thailand’
Published article: ‘How to move biopharmaceuticals productions smoothly and quickly into Asian markets’ PDF, Englisch
Published article: ‘High Containment Processes in the Solid Drugs Production’ PDF, Englisch