Regulation and control systems for fluid bed spray agglomeration – Control models for every granule
(German article)
Fully automated processes require reliable process data. These are determined with methods of statistical experimental design and the application of artificial neural networks.
The presented case study has shown the potential as well as the general feasibility of a model-based control of a fluidized bed spray agglomeration process. In addition to the actual control task, the systematic approach allows a deeper insight into details of concrete industrial granulation processes. The process understanding gained in this way helps the respective users to gain insights into which additional possibilities exist for optimizing their granulation application. Nevertheless, close cooperation between the plant operator and the plant manufacturer is essential when designing a granulation plant. Only in this way can the full potential of the granulation process be exploited and the optimum solution developed for the user. Decades of experience in fluid bed granulation coupled with innovative plant and control concepts as well as process engineering solutions provide the right basis for this.
(article in German language)
- Author: Dr.-Ing. Michael Jacob, Head of Operations Process Technology Feed, Food, Fine Chemicals, Glatt Ingenieurtechnik GmbH
- originally published in the trade magazine ‘P&A Prozessdigitalisierung Automation’, issue 10/2018, publish-industry Verlag GmbH and Fallstudie: Modellbasiertes Regeln von Granulationsprozessen (